Pregnancy Must Haves From a Mama of Three
Having been through pregnancy a few times before, I have now come to rely on a few tried and true must haves. Some of these I have used through all three pregnancies, and some I've only recently found to be helpful in my fourth. I hope some of these can help some of you out in your pregnancies.
1. Skin Elasticity/ Stretch Mark Prevention
Stretch marks starting to fade during my 3rd pregnancy; after I started my stretch mark remedies. |
During my 1st pregnancy, I used an all natural cocoa butter lotion throughout the first two trimesters to prevent stretch marks. After getting a few stretch marks I was disheartened and stopped using the lotion, thinking that there was nothing I could do. For my second pregnancy, I didn't use any type of stretch mark cream, oil or lotion because I thought it was pointless. Well, come to find out, not using anything at all led me to get three times as many stretch marks as in my first pregnancy. Not only that, but a friend of mine who became pregnant with twins claimed that she didn't get any stretch marks at all.
I was on a mission to find the best products/remedies I could find to not only get rid of the stretch marks that I already had, but to prevent getting any future ones. After reading several articles and blogs, I settled on these products. I did fade a few of my old stretch marks during my third pregnancy, plus I never got any new stretch marks in that pregnancy. I will detail my routine after talking about the products.
The first three products are by Palmer's. I like to use their
Tummy Butter,
Cocoa Butter Oil for Dry Itchy Skin, and for postpartum belly skin, I used their
Skin Firming Lotion. Their tummy butter is truly a miracle. After just a few days of using it, I started seeing my stretch marks begin to fade. A little goes a long way so if you buy the three pack from Amazon like I did, it should last you at least a year and a half. I used it all through pregnancy number 3 and every day postpartum as I lost weight and tightened up my skin.

Which brings me to their skin firming lotion. I started using this the day our second son was born. I'm not sure how much of an effect it had on my skin firming up, but I'd like to think it helped. My skin was almost back to normal when I got pregnant this time around and I was about 8 months postpartum, so by a year postpartum, I'm guessing it would have toned up quite a bit.

Their cocoa butter oil is a godsend. It comes in a convenient spray bottle, so there's no spilling or messes when applying it. It really helped with the itchiness as my belly expanded and added some good moisture to my skin, further preventing any stretch mark damage. They say the itchiness comes from your skin needing moisture, so applying the oil seems to make the most sense instead of scratching up your skin.
I also used a
sugar scrub in the shower with almond oil,
baby oil with aloe and vitamin E, and
Olay Age Defying body wash. Exfoliating with a scrub during and after pregnancy is supposed to increase circulation in your skin, increasing elasticity and aiding in recovery. The aloe and vitamin E in the baby oil is supposed to further nourish the skin.
Lastly, snacking on lots of fresh fruits and veggies and drinking tons of water nourishes your skin from the inside out. I bought myself a 1/2 gallon water bottle, and drank two of those a day.

So every day in the shower I would apply the sugar scrub to my tummy, butt and legs. (I tried applying it to my boobs, but the skin is more sensitive there, so I broke out in a rash) After rinsing off the scrub, I would wash with body wash. After shaving and spending time on my hair, I would turn off the water and immediately rub the baby oil all over my body before getting out of the shower.
Once I got out, I would apply the tummy butter to my boobs and tummy. After I had the baby, I would mix the skin firming lotion with the tummy butter in my palm, then rub into my belly. I usually let that set in my skin as I applied lotion to my legs and finished getting ready. After it was absorbed, I would put on my
Squeem belly binder and get dressed. Throughout the day as my belly itched, I kept the cocoa butter oil nearby in case I needed a little spritz every now and then.
2. Pelvic girdle pain/ sciatic nerve pain
I absolutely had to have an abdominal support belt during all three pregnancies. During the third trimester of all my pregnancies, the weight of the baby just sits right on my pubic area and sometimes causes sharp pains in my hips and groin area when standing up. I found a
Motherhood Maternity belt at a second hand baby and maternity store for about $5. You can certainly buy yours new, but most maternity and baby things are practically brand new when other people stop using them so it made sense to me just to buy it used.

I also splurged in my third pregnancy and bought some pregnancy support tanks from the Gap. Sadly, I can't find them anymore, but you can search Amazon for similar ones.

3. Morning sickness/Nausea
This, my 4th pregnancy, has been the worst as far as pregnancy symptoms go. I've been very nauseous throughout the day, and can't seem to find much to eat that looks appetizing. For the first 7 weeks the only things that would settle my stomach were ramen noodles (Oriental flavor), Jell-O cups, Chef Boyardee and PowerAde.
I found a sour patch kids flavored gum to chew on that helped with the nausea. Also, warheads hard candies helped a lot. Sour candies in general are supposed to keep nausea at bay. I tried cutting out coffee, thinking it was making me sick, but after I stopped drinking it, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open, and my nausea increased tremendously. So I stick to 1 cup per day. I'm still trying to manage it without medication so if I do happen to start taking something for the nausea I will add an update on whether or not it helped.
4. Modest Maternity Wardrobe
Seeing as how we are traditional Catholic, I knew there was a good chance I could be pregnant and nursing for quite a few years so starting a versatile maternity wardrobe that is also modest was a challenge.
Some basic staples you should stock up on are camisoles (especially the ones with the built in shelf bra), stretchy cotton tees, and several lengths of leggings. I like the short leggings during the summer because they keep my thighs from rubbing, and the long ones keep my legs warm under skirts in the winter, especially the fleece ones.
Things you should invest in are nursing bras, half tees and some scrunchy skirts from
Sexy Modest Boutique. The half tees are great for layering under spaghetti straps, and the scrunchy skirts can stretch over your pregnant belly but then shrink back down after you have your baby. I've just basically replaced all of my old bras with nursing bras since you can wear them whether you're nursing or not. Once I've stopped nursing completely, then I'll start buying normal bras.
Me wearing the patriotic scrunchy skirt from Sexy Modest boutique, paired with a half tee. I wore a nude colored support tank underneath because the half tee was a little see-through, but the support was nice for my big belly. |
I also love maxi skirts and maxi dresses because they look good on me pregnant or not. I don't bother buying the maternity versions because there isn't really much difference. If you like to wear pants or shorts, then the maternity kind are probably your best bet.

Cardigans are great for layering over camisoles or nursing tanks. If you buy the camisoles with the built in bra, most of the time you can get away with not wearing a nursing bra and you can just pull it down without having to unstrap anything else to nurse your baby.
In the winter, I like to buy cowl neck or V-neck sweaters to layer over tanks for nursing. Any stretchy type of sweater works great for pregnancy and beyond.
I will probably invest in a maternity coat this time around. I tried to just buy a bigger coat in my 1st pregnancy, but I felt like a huge whale wearing it. So this time around I think it would be worth the extra money.
That's all I could think of for now. If I think of any more I will update this post. What are some your pregnancy must haves?
Until next time,
Trad Cat Mama